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Automation TestWorks, LLC


  • exploratory/smoke testing on your site 

  • manual testing on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

  • manual mobile testing on Android and iOS

Package A


​Automation is created from the exploratory testing using either Cypress or Playwright. 


Package B

​Package A and B benefits, plus you have me on retainer for 3 months to update the automation and perform  exploratory or regression testing twice a month.  



Package C

Q. How much are the packages?


A. Let's discuss your needs! It will definitely be more cost effective than hiring a full time QA ;-)


Q. How do you go about sending the automation code to us when it has been completed?


A. I will push the code once completed into GitHub, then send the link to the GitHub repository created specifically for your project. Your development team/contact will then have access to pull the code.

Q. Will you need internal access to our code base?

A. Nope; I will automate your site “as is”, in its public-facing version (or if you have an easily accessible QA version). I will automate the site as I see it from the consumer/client side.

Q.  Do you do any API testing?

A. I can! I can also automate some of this API testing using the framework.

Q.  What language will the automated tests be written in?

A.  The tests will be written in JavaScript, using the Cypress or Playwright frameworks. The code will be written as simply and cleanly as this website ;-), so it will be easy for any developer to follow and update if needed.  


Q.  What is required on our end to run the automated tests ourselves?

A. You will need to have downloaded the latest versions of (unless PlayWright is used, then download this), Node.JS and NPM.  I will advise of the versions of each used at the time I created the automation.

Q.  What is the difference between opting for Playwright versus Cypress for the automation testing?

A. Playwright allows for testing on Chrome, Firefox, and Webkit (aka Safari). Cypress allows testing on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox (so no Safari). My preference is with Cypress simply because I prefer its native screenshot and reporting dashboard. However, Playwright does allow all of its available browsers to run concurrently during testing, which can save time. 

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